F estivalsin Slovakia take many forms and are performed in all corners of Slovakia. If you have not been to one, it is very difficult to describe one, but with the help of words, pictures and music, I think we can come very close to you almost being there.

Summer in Slovakia is the time for folklore festivals and almost every regions has its main festival, the most famous being the Vychodna and Datva festivals being held traditionally the first and secnod weekend of July. If you are travelling to Slovakia, please check the events section to see what festival will be happening in the region of Slovakia you are visiting.

Graphics & design of Slovak Folklore pages - Marek Bednar.
All contents for www.slovak.com © 1997, Ondro Mihal.

All comments regarding this page should be forwarded to Ondro Mihal at omihal@slovak.com.

Last update on May 11, 1997.