Canadian Slovaks and Christmas Traditions
Bazaars - Vianocne jarmoky
... a place to meet old friends and a place to still feel that you are
re-living some of the traditions of your ancestors.

The Slovak parishes in Toronto traditionally prepare for the Christmas holidays by hosting annual Christmas Bazaars, where the Slovak community and their friends stock up on Slovak specialties for their Christmas table. These specialties include smoked meats, sausages, rich homemade desserts and hand crafts for decorating not only the Christmas tree but the whole house. The specialty foods are freshly prepared just days before the bazaar, enabling the community to work together to ensure that the bazaar is a great success. Friends and family meet at these bazaars, bring each other up-to-date on their personal lives, exchange traditional Slovak family recipes and leave with new wonderment for the new year. Prichodom vianocneho obdobia slovenske farnosti v Toronte pripravuju tradicne jarmoky vianocnych specialit, kde si ludia mozu zakupit domace slovenske vyrobky pre vianocny stol. Ci su to vyrobky masove,z cestoviny,cukrove, ci rucne prace na vyzdobu vianocneho stromceka a ci celeho pribytku,vsetko pripravia sikovne ruky slovenskych gazdiniek. Vyrobky sa pripravuju cerstve, priamo pred predajom, co umoznuje komunite spojit svoje usilie a pracovat spolocne, aby bol jarmok bohato zasobeny. Gazdinam to umozni vymenit si recepty so svojimi kolegynami, a takto obohatit svoj vlastny jedalnicek o nove dobroty.

Click on each thumbnail below to view the photo
images from each of the bazaars.

Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church
Dec. 2, 1997

Cathedral of Transfiguration
Nov. 22, 1997

St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Nov. 29, 1997


All text and photographs © by Ondro Mihal and Milan Popik.
All contents © 1997, Ondro Mihal.
All comments should be forwarded to
Ondro Mihal at
Last update on December 16, 1997.