The Slovak Language

     Slovak is the official language of the Slovak Republic.  It is estimated that over one third of all Slovaks in the world do not live within the borders of the current Slovak Republic.
     The purpose of these Slovak Language WEB pages is to introduce the language to non-Slovak speaking users.  This is not a self-study course and does not try to teach the Slovak Language but presents the language in a way that allows one to be able to at least learn the alphabet and some phraseology addressing the typical needs of an individual visiting Slovakia today or interating with a Slovak individual.
     In order to fully appreciate the scope of these pages a sound card is required.  These WEB  pages are rich with aural examples which should help you, the user of this site, to be introduced to the embryonic aspects of the language at your leisure.

Please Note: There is no help available for inquiries regarding any language issues that you may have.  Please read the "help" section of the "Slovak Language" web site - it most likely has answers to most of your problems in regards  to this web site. Do not e-mail our web master questions unless they is specific to particular issues on this web site.

Graphics & design of Slovak Language pages - Sharon Tomas.  Slovak voice announciation - Hana Rapantova.
Photographs on this site by Ondrej Mihal. All contents for © 2000, Ondro Mihal
No part of these contents can be copied in whole or in part for use elsewhere without written permission.

All comments regarding this page should be forwarded to

Last update on March 18, 2000.