Ambassadors of Culture Honoured by
Slovak Minister of Culture in Canada

Article appeared in Jednota June 9,1999

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On May 8th, 1999, Slovaks in Canada celebrated the launch of a new video "The Ambassadors of Culture".  The film was sponsored by the Slovak Cultural and Information Centre with co-sponsorship by over 12 other Slovak-Canadian organizations.   Ondrej Miháľ produced it.

The guest of honour, Mr. Milan Kňažko, Minister of Culture for the Slovak Republic, addressing the people.

President of the SCIC,
Mr. Ondrej Miháľ

The Minister of Culture from the Slovak Republic, Mr. Milan Kňažko, along with the head of the House of Foreign Slovaks, Mr. Claude Balaž, and Mrs. Juliana Menclová, resident expert for Canada within the Ministry of Culture, arrived in Toronto, Ontario to celebrate this special occasion with Slovaks in Canada.  Their presence at this evening's event brought honour and respect to the contributors of Slovak culture and the video project organizers. 

Graphics & design of The Ambassadors of Culture pages - Sharon Tomas
All contents for © 1999, Ondro Mihal.

 All comments regarding this page should be forwarded to

 Last update on October 25, 1999.